Our People
- ashley allison marketing and communications manager ashley@happybottoms.org
- andrea babbit volunteer manager andrea@happybottoms.org
- kevin ball warehouse manager kevin@happybottoms.org
- susan belger angulo co-executive director / development director susan@happybottoms.org
- brittany brungardt senior program coordinator brittany@happybottoms.org
- kaylea cluck program coordinator kaylea@happybottoms.org
- anthony demarco warehouse coordinator anthony@happybottoms.org
- lori hays finance director lori@happybottoms.org
- nick hron volunteer manager nick@happybottoms.org
- elizabeth mayer co-executive director / operations director elizabeth@happybottoms.org
- lorna walker development manager lorna@happybottoms.org
- molly kerr Chair
- adam moore Vice Chair
- mary beth rohlf Secretary
- lon lowenstein Treasurer
- jon carpenter
- richard dixson
- mariah jordan
- shari nelson
- pia nitzschke
- kristal ronnebaum
- darin roth
- pam sutherlin
- mark ungashick
- tom witty
- this group is currently on hold.
- this group has been on hold since the pandemic