volunteer as a family
volunteer opportunities are available at our warehouse for families with children over the age of 12. Check our calendar for current community shift opportunities. Child must be accompanied by a parent.
for families with children under the age of 12, there are still ways to get involved! Email volunteer@happybottoms.org to be placed on the mailing list for family wraps.

host a diaper drive:
You can help HappyBottoms families by hosting a physical, online or hybrid diaper drive. We distribute about 500,000 diapers a month and new families are asking for assistance every day. Your help is needed now more than ever.

adopt a drop site:
Adopt one of our drop sites around the city by checking in monthly for donations. You will contact the drop site directly and schedule pick up and delivery to the HappyBottoms warehouse on your own time. Email volunteer@happybottoms.org to adopt a drop site.