Our Programs

ongoing distribution:
Distribution Agency Program
HappyBottoms provides a monthly supply of 75 diapers or 50 training pants to children in need through more than 70 social service agency sites. Our distribution agencies provide healthcare, emergency assistance, education, childcare and case management services to families in need. Our partner model has a ripple effect on families by providing access to other services that will help lift them out of poverty.

bundles of joy
Through our Bundles of Joy Program we partner with area hospitals to distribute diapers. We provide mothers and their newborns a one-time distribution of 75 diapers, reflecting newborns’ greater monthly need, along with information about our monthly agency program. The early access to diapers offered by Bundles of Joy can mean earlier access to other critical services the family needs.

potty training education:
Potty training ultimately eliminates diaper expense and closes out the cycle of diaper need. Our Potty Training Education Program helps families navigate this critical stage with their children. Participants receive a video curriculum and Potty Training Kit, including a potty seat, stepstool, informational booklet, board book, and sticker chart.